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Certified Marble Armor Installer
The Marble Armor Certified Installer Program allows you to grow your business with an additional revenue stream by adding protection film as a service that you can offer your clients. We not only provide all the marketing materials to promote your new service but we send you leads as well.
What sets our Certified Marble Armor Installer Program apart from the rest? Take advantage of our comprehensive online resources and training that provide hours of professional support, videos and resources. By becoming part of our esteemed network of installers you will have a team of professionals to support your new business.
Branded Marketing Material
Swag provides a physical connection between people and brand that is so important in this era of social distancing, remote work and hybrid business models. Great swag has the potential to engage, delight and endear: the trick is finding products people will actually want to keep!
Onboarding Box - As a new Marble Armor installer you will be given the marketing tools to promote your new business and services with eye-catching and effective marketing materials.
Each Certified Installer receives customized marketing pieces from emails to Instagram stories. Our marketing materials span various platforms, both digital and physical to help our Certified Installers keep their customers informed.
Roll Out Program with graphics and texts to promote your new business.
Quarterly emails and specials to promote Marble Armor to your clients.
Discounts on additional promotional items.
We send you leads! After becoming a Certified Marble Armor you will be sent leads for residential project requests that we receive for your area.
How do you join Our Team of Certified Marble Armor Installers?
Step One
Fill out the online Certified Installer Application.
Step Two
Once you receive the Welcome Email with your online account information, you will be able to purchase the New Installer Onboarding Box with all of the tools, materials and marketing to start your new business.
Step Three
Congratulations, it is time to get started! Once you are setup online you can begin the training process by watching videos, reading the guides and taking online tests.
Step Four
Start promoting your new business! Use the tools and resources to begin telling your customers about the new service that you offer, Marble Armor Installation!